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Is sewage waste a health and safety concern for your team?
Let’s face it, raw sewage has always been a health and safety concern. Now, with COVID-19 as part of our daily lives, health and safety concerns are…
Schedule a complimentary system evaluation of your Airvac vacuum sewer system.
We have factory-trained technicians that can provide a one-day, in-depth analysis of your system. They will evaluate the performance of your vacuum…
Official inauguration of the new partial roofing, Aarbergen
Aqseptence Group will continue building on mechanical engineering and manufacturing in Germany also in the future. For the production of our heavy…
Check out our new Roediger SMART video
The SMART system monitors and controls your entire vacuum sewer system, everything readily available on your smart phone.
Water Processing Solutions wishes
We wish you and your families happy holidays, a Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year 2021!
Vacuum Sewer System in Miresu Mare, Romania
A great performance! 40 km of vacuum pipe network completed in just 1 year!