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Aktuelle Termine: Web-Seminar: Effizienzsteigerung für Kläranlagen
Nehmen Sie an dem kostenlosen Web-Seminar zur Steigerung der Effizienz von Kläranlagen teil
Facility Of The Year Award 2020 (FOYA)
A Roediger project was awarded as facility of the year
New Roediger App - Stay up-to-date!
Explore our Roediger App in a new look & feel as well as in a responsive design. Besides extended functions and push notifications, our App provides…
Cross-Over in the shipbuilding industry
What happens if you cross a luxury yacht with an icebreaker – La Datcha – the luxury yacht for arctic cruises.
Deutsche Bahn modernizes railway service depots
Deutsche Bahn modernizes railway service depots in Cologne using Roediger® Supply and Disposal Systems
Hygiene in hospitals – Roediger publishes new brochure
The new Roediger brochure on Vacuum Sanitation Technology in hospitals addresses the hygiene topic and shows how we achieve a considerably higher…